“How to Build a SaaS Reseller Channel” Video

How To Build A SaaS Reseller Channel Video

This video covers all the phases of 1) defining, 2) recruiting, and 3) enabling a reseller channel, but it also adds a section on the unique differences for a SaaS channel.

Who Is This For?

Excellent and real-life information for new and experienced channel managers, GMs, and all managers of sales, marketing, and business development that touches a channel. For software, SaaS, and hardware.

What Is It About?

This is not an academic discussion, it is “how it is done” instruction based on building channels for over 270 clients over the last two decades (Microsoft, HP, Citrix, Sony, Autodesk, Adobe, Intel, GE, Netscape, etc.) Updated content for 2013. One idea is worth the time.


Also, I am polling to find interest in hosting my 1-2 day channel workshop series, “How to Build a Successful Reseller Channel – The most comprehensive full-day channel workshop ever!”

I am considering breaking it down into intense 2-hour blocks that I would spread out over a 1 or 2-week period (every other day during lunch). This course costs $799 to over $1,700 (depending on which group I present for (across the US and around the world (Korea was last)).

I may do parts for free, or charge a nominal $79 total (1/10th the cost) for the entire series–what we obtain too cheaply, we esteem too lightly–just so folks have some skin in the game and will attend the entire series.

This is the ultimate boot camp for channel pros or beginners, for retail, VAR, SaaS, software or hardware–all industries. Perfect for you or members of your team.

Prepare For Certification

Take a test afterward and receive the Chanimal certificate. The posted video gives an overview of the kind of content to expect. Ted (aka Chanimal)