How to Finance Your Company – Fund a High-Tech Start-Up
Check out the Chanimal video, “How to Finance a High-Tech Start-Up,” – learn how to finance your company.
Featured in Entrepreneur Magazine. Within 55 minutes, containing over 126 separate comments, you will see and hear how to finance your company directly from leading angel investors, venture capitalists and CEO’s that have raised millions to finance high-tech start-up companies. The comments are frank, honest and fresh—providing relevant tips that could prove invaluable in getting your start-up financed.
There are plenty of books on the subject, but I wanted folks to see and hear directly from the mouths of professional investors and get a “feel” for what it will take to enlist these people as partners.
Within this How to Fund Your Company video you’ll learn the following.
- The stages of funding a company and what is expected at each stage
- How to write a complete, yet concise business plan that will catch an investor’s attention and lead to the initial meeting
- What investors look for in terms of the management team, the market, and the concept
- How to give a winning funding presentation, and most importantly, how to sell your “next” meeting
- What questions to ask VC’s that you are considering as investment partners
- Things to look for in a term sheet
- How much time to expect for each stage of funding, according to what kind of investor
- Alternative funding, including government grants and the 504b
- Wise counsel from seasoned investors, and CEOs who have been through the process–multiple times.
Within my consulting practice, I often talk with start-ups and their number one question is “How do I get funding.” Having gone through five acquisitions, and having helped raise $27 million in funding (from angels, VC’s and large corporations), I can answer some of their questions, but not all. For this I wanted to turn to the experts, and what better experts than the investors themselves?
I’ve learned some critical keys to getting financed while putting together this production. I’m sure you’ll find the information just as valuable. I invite you to watch the video and see for yourself.
Additional Resources
- Go to the Finance Resources to view venture capitalists, angel investors, and start-up links.
- View video on YouTube
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