Market Research Resources
Following is a list of books, seminars, and other resources to help you understand qualitative, quantitative research and business intelligence.
The Burke Institute. This organization runs workshops on marketing research. Courses include survey techniques, using focus group results, research planning, writing reports, etc. The workshops are very hands-on and practical. They offer the courses several times a year and in several locations. (Home is Cincinnati.)
Phone: 800/543-8635; Web site:
RIVA Training Institute. RIVA is the leader in focus group moderation training. They also provide training in other qualitative research techniques. (Home is Bethesda, MD.)
Phone: 301/652-3632; Web site:
Quirk’s Marketing Research Review. This monthly magazine contains articles on research methods and issues. Many of the issues have a focus (for example, October 2002 was Customer Satisfaction research). It also provides contacts for researchers and research organizations that specialize in various types of research. Cost: $70/year (11 issues)
Phone: 952/854-5101; Web site:
Qualitative Research Methods – Focus Groups
Greenbaum, T.L. The Handbook of Focus Group Research, Second Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., 1998. Greenbaum is one of the leading authorities on focus groups – recruiting, conducting, and interpreting.
Morgan, D.L. and R.A. Krueger (ed). The Focus Group Kit. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., 1997. This kit deals very well with all aspects of focus groups through six paperback volumes.
Stewart, D.W. and P.N. Shamdasani. Focus Group Theory and Practice. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., 1990. This is a scholarly discussion of focus groups – why to use them, best practices, etc.
Quantitative Research Methods – Surveys
Alreck, Pamela L. and Robert B. Settle. The Survey Research Handbook, Second Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Trade. This handbook offers practical tips on conducting effective, timely, and cost-effective surveys.
Dillman, Don A. Mail and Internet Surveys, Second Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Dillman is an authority on surveying – and this updated volume contains tips on various survey methods, including online and voice-activated automated surveys.
Secondary Research
Garvin, A.P., with R. Berkman and H. Bermont. The Art of Being Well Informed. Garden City Park, NY: Avery Publishing Groups Inc., 1993. This book contains some helpful tips on tracking down research studies and other library tasks.
I HIGHLY recommend the latest release of The Product Marketing Handbook. It contains an entire section on market and competitive research as it applies to the tech industry.