Setting Appointments
Part of the approach involves setting the appointment. There are several points to remember when making appointments:
- Set appointments with the sales manager if possible. If he or she is hard to catch, set the appointment with anyone who has the authority to do so. Always remind that person to tell the manager you will be coming in (so you don’t surprise the manager and get kicked out).
- Try “alternate choice” questions. However, to maintain an effective zip code sequence with your appointments you should remember to suggest your preferred time.
- Keep yourself flexible. Always ask for a minimum 15-minute leeway. This will allow you to book your appointments closer together without letting a dealer down if you’re late.
- Assume the appointment. Act as if everyone is excited to have you come by.
- Work backward. It is often helpful to set your first appointments for Friday and work backward in one to two-hour increments (depending on the time for your demo). This allows you part of Tuesday morning to schedule the week if you can’t get it booked solid on Monday.
- Call if late. If you find that you are going to be late for another appointment, take a moment out of your schedule to make a telephone call. You wouldn’t want a dealer to have his best customer come in to see your demo only for you to arrive an hour late.
- Don’t be late twice. Make sure that if you have rescheduled an appointment once, never miss the appointment again.
Review Questions
- Why ask for at least a 15-minute leeway?
- Start setting appointments __________ and work ___________.
- If you missed an appointment and then rescheduled you must never?
Contact Info
Chanimal, Inc.
12109 Lake Stone Dr
Austin, TX 78738
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