About Us
This site has been established by Chanimal Inc., as a massive resource to encourage greater networking and collaboration among those who work within the high-tech market place. Most of the information has been accumulated through contributed content, reading every book I could find, seminars, newsletters, industry publications, and networking–along with over 25 years of hands-on marketing experience.
BTW, most “channel” sites I’ve read are full of theories and junk (they read like a textbook)–didn’t these folks ever work in the channel? They sound all theoretical. In contrast, Chanimal is all Tiger meat… this stuff has been used and works (to generate billions in sales for hundreds of companies).
I believe the information you find here will help you to better perform your job as a professional marketer. Please enter the “Chanimal Forum” above to leave any comments, suggestions or, most especially, to add content.
With best regards,
Ted Finch (alias Chanimal)