Double-click any video to watch it full-screen. Note the option to watch it at variable speeds (up to 2x the normal speed).
Sales Management Training
Sales By the Numbers & How to Play the Game of Work. How to increase sales by tracking, and then improving your activity, skill, policies, systems, and motivation. Shows the exact system that created the #1 team in the nation (4 times). It works every time and helps you become the coach and shows the team how to self-correct.
What To Look for In a Portal
Reseller Portal. A reseller portal is perfect for building out a new channel program and can handle hundreds to thousands of partners. It can also integrate with most CRMs in about 20 minutes. When you start having a lot of MDF, promotions, and deal registrations, you will need more analytics and automation. You can either create it within your marketing automation or CRM, or it is time to consider a PRM (although many vendors will still miss the simplicity of the portal-based approach).
You can see a sample portal (this is the one from SaaSMAX) at (make sure to click on the Samples menu to see various looks and feels and several live sites). You can also view a video webinar I presented below that explains what to look for and gives a peek at the portal itself. The inside of the portal starts at 35:35.
How To Position Your Product and CRUSH the Competition
Learn how to position your product before & after development, examples of creative positioning approaches, how to segment, then differentiate=then CRUSH remaining competitors, tools of positioning (matrix, quadrant, Venn diagrams, analogies), why a prospect would be a FOOL not to consider your product & more.
How to Create Killer Strategic Alliances & dominate Your Marketing
Learn the acid test for every alliance, the four legs you must have when to set up an alliance, how to pick the best partners, how to prospect, what to cover in your meetings, how to multiply your sales force and channel partners, expectations, and much more.
How to Build a SaaS Reseller Channel
Covers all the phases of 1) defining, 2) recruiting, and 3) enabling a channel, plus includes a section on the unique differences for a SaaS channel. Excellent and real-life information for new and experienced channel managers, GMs, sales, marketing, and business development. Similar content I present across the nation at the SaaS University conferences.
Reseller Enablement
Explains what to do with a partner once they have applied. Includes timelines, the approval email, the orientation meeting, the marketing meeting, the SEO Landing Page, newsletters, refining levels, and promotions. This is part 1 of the channel enablement section from the actual certification program from Chanimal University.
How to Setup SEO for a Reseller Landing Page
Explains how to set up SEO for your reseller landing page, plus why the reseller should create a product landing page, and why a vendor needs to create an SEO landing page template. Includes examples.
How to Finance a High-Tech Start-Up
Click here to see the video details, or just watch it! The video is now FREE (used to cost $99).” There are additional resources in the Finance section of Chanimal.
In Search of Stupidity
Watch the companion video to Rick Chapman’s book, “In Search of Stupidity: 20 Years of High-Tech Marketing Disasters.” Rick’s book is an incredible look into what made so many high-tech companies fail–and the lessons we can learn so we don’t make the same mistakes (think Netflix). Click here to find out about the book (also check out his latest book for SaaS Entrepreneurs).
How to Determine Reseller Margins
How to determine reseller, affiliate and distributor margins. Including points vs margin, points, differences between retail, VAR, MSP, Distributor and SaaS margins, how much to pay, how long, who collects, and how soon to pay.
Micro Consulting
In less than 7 minutes you’ll see why Chanimal Micro Consulting is one of the most popular and productive consulting models in the entire industry. In fact, it was named “Top 5” most innovative services by SoftwareCEO / CompTIA.
Chanimal University
Learn about the Chanimal certified channel manager training.
Chanimal Partner Portal
Short promo video (20 sec)
Chanimal Partner Portal – Promo
90-second animated promo for the Chanimal PRM
Chanimal University PRM Lesson
PRM & Partner Portal Lesson (15 minutes). From the Certified Channel Manager course. Explains what to look for in a PRM.
Double-click any video to watch it full-screen. Note the option to watch it at variable speeds (up to 2x the normal speed).
All these videos use Swarmify video CDN for speed, security, and the ability to vary the watching speed. I highly recommend it.
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Austin, TX 78738
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