Newsletter or Register? NOT Both.


If you want just the monthly newsletter (always great new info about what works in the channel, some discounts for the content and courses, etc.), then add your email to the newsletter (usually only monthly, no spam–just helpful content).

Register for FREE Stuff!

Registering tells me more about you, but will get you the Newsletter above, PLUS instant access to The Cave which contains links to extra content:

  • Sample Chanimal Partner Portal (53 pages showing how it all fits)
  • Chanimal Master Plan of Action (over 35 pages of steps for SEO, building a channel, an affiliate program, alliances, pr, and much more)
  • “Kits” of information (Channel Kit, Alliance Kit, Internet Kit). Many items you would usually have to pay for in the Chanimal Store are free.

You’ll get an email with the Cave password. Do not sign up for both (registering includes newsletter)