Channel Manager Training – Program
Welcome to the industry’s 1st, #1 best-selling & most rigorous standardized Channel Manager Training & Certified Channel Management program!
Welcome to the industry’s 1st, #1 best-selling & most rigorous standardized Channel Manager Training & Certified Channel Management program!
Become a Certified Channel Manager, get channel management training, master your craft, leverage industry best-practices, from the organization that has trained and standardized over TEN THOUSAND of the world’s leading channel professionals for over two decades.
There are three main areas of training for channel management, sales and marketing. Each training course also includes one elective add-on course at no extra cost. At least one elective is required for each main course certification.
For example, if you work with a SaaS company, you can take the baseline Channel Management training course but also elect to take the SaaS & Affiliates add-on elective. You may later take the Channel Marketing course, but also take the Retail & Online elective (allowing you to help another division (or a new company) with VARs, plus Retail and Online channels).
Main courses include:
Download a PDF that shows how the MAIN courses compare to each other.
In addition to the main subjects (which each covers reseller to enterprise, software to SaaS to hardware–in general), there are electives to concentrate on areas specific to your current role–critical when you consider how different channel management is from online to retail to enterprise. The main curriculum cross-trains and exposes you to some of the other disciplines, but the electives help you get much deeper and more tactical in the areas that are most relevant to your day-to-day job.
Regardless, you can also take additional electives (simultaneous or later) to prepare for future roles (if you change positions, or companies or get promoted). Plus, if you are a director to VP level channel professional in many of the large companies (like GE, Motorola, Microsoft, etc.) you may have to learn all channel types to cover all your applicable markets.
Elective groups include:
The electives are comparable to getting a marketing degree with an emphasis in advertising, or a doctor’s degree with an emphasis in pediatrics–you get the general channel baseline within your main course, plus tactics within the electives that are specific to your exact role.
Each primary channel manager training course includes one elective group free. However, you can also purchase any of the other electives separately. This is valuable if you are trained in one channel discipline, but later move to another, or your company wants to expand into additional channels.
For example, you may move from one division that sells into retail, then shift to another with a referral-based SaaS program, or later you may sell into the OEM channel. If you are a Director to VP Level–you should know every channel type your company covers (or how can you model it or know if it is being executed correctly). Regardless, of your role or channel type, we’ve got you covered.
All electives require at least one of the main courses as a prerequisite (since each elective builds on the prior core channel manager training).
Some folks just want to get trained in the channel–which is fine (you don’t have to take the test and will get an official Certificate of Completion for each course). However, you must pass the test to validate your knowledge if you wish to get the associated certification. The test is included as part of the course.
Even still, the certification does not require the course–you can test out if you can pass the exam. Regardless, the tests and certifications validate that you learned the material, plus they help you stand out, help your overall career development, and confirm to your company that you know your craft.
Following are the available certification tests:
You can complete the Chanimal University training or you can “test out” for the same certification. Chanimal is not the only channel, marketing, and sales resource–so you can get credit for other sources or real life experience–so long as you can pass the exam.
All channel managers that pass the tests have the option to be listed as a Certified Channel Manager ™ along with their designated certificate type at
Those achieving the highest Instructor level are shown on the Leader Board within the Chanimal University Hall of Fame. This makes it easy for employers to find a qualified channel manager, channel sales manager, channel marketing manager, or consultant to help them build their own channel.
NOTE: Actual certificates may look slightly different than those shown.
View some of the folks already on the list.
Welcome to the Chanimal University Hall of Fame!
When you have achieved all levels of channel management training (CCMP-I)–you are inducted into the Hall of Fame. All Hall of Fame members get their names and credentials in the honored TOP position of the Certified Channel Manager’s directory.
Select CCMP-I members may also be invited to sit on the prestigious Channel Advisory Council ™–validating world-wide standards for channel management.
Your ultimate objective is to be able say, “I am a Certified Channel Manager Professional, Certified Channel Sales Manager, and Certified Channel Marketing Manager, with certificates in SaaS, Affiliates, Retail, Online, OEM, Direct Sales & Professional Service channels.”
Now THAT is a lot of channel expertise–something every employer and channel pro should seek.
If you decide to complete the final course, you are accredited as a Certified Channel Manager Professional Instructor level and are able to teach Channel Management and uphold the rigorous Chanimal University standards throughout the industry.
The Certified Channel Manager Professional Instructor (CCMP-I) is the highest, most prestigious level.
It is the PHD-Top-Gun-Eagle Scout-Black belt-Master – the ultimate Channel Professional level and signifies to your peers & the entire industry that you are the best-of-the-best with extreme competence.
It also entitles you to be on the prestigious leader board within the Chanimal University Hall of Fame!
You can attend the live Channel Manager Training workshops (testing available afterwards or later online), or learn piece-by-piece at the free or highly discounted systematic Webinars (it just takes a LOT longer), Seminars or Lunch-N-Learns (it doesn’t matter where you learned it–so long as you know the material).
Emphasis is on the hi-tech industry, but the channel manager training concepts still apply to most other industries, and they all include software, hardware (consumer electronics and enterprise), some SaaS and services with resellers, VARs, VADs, MSPs, agents, distributors, country managers, and system integrators. There is also an option to take electives that cover specialties like online Internet, brick and mortar retail, or sales focused training–depending on your market and role.
You can view the calendar for live events and certification dates. Also, check out SaaS University–there is often a joint SaaSMAX (Partner Optimizer) / Chanimal Workshop and Certified Channel Manager certification available in conjunction with the seminar.
Chanimal has taught live for decades, but it also has a post-Covid NEW Learning Management System (LMS) that is self-paced, available 24/7 and is 100% online, and includes the coursework (text, documents, samples, templates, videos, and live chat interaction), testing, certificates and more.
This is NOT boring (like many online channel manager training courses), but is broken into numerous short, dynamic modules that are intense and contain a LOT of information. If you’re in the channel, it’s pretty exciting since there are a lot of tactics that show how to make your channel a success.
If the format were described in a word… FUN! If it is not good, exciting stuff–you don’t want to review it–and we don’t want to teach it.
The course follows the Stephen R Covey pedagogy and is designed to help you internalize the content: a) Each section is introduced with a video, b) followed by supporting materials to read, and c) includes the associated templates and support documents. Each section then has a short quiz to ensure you retain the concepts. It is also encouraged that you teach someone the concepts after each lesson.
Since each section is short, and the system remembers where you left off, you can take the channel manager training modules in short bursts during occasional work breaks, lunches, or even while commuting (with rail, taxi, or subway and high-speed wireless internet).
Below is a PDF that contains the Chanimal industry standards for channel management, channel sales and channel marketing.
These were proposed, reviewed, and accredited by the Chanimal Channel Advisory Council, which includes representatives from industry-leading channel professionals from top channel consultants, publications, analyst, and several of the world’s most successful companies in hardware, software, SaaS and services within the enterprise, SMB and consumer markets.
Download PDF
Click the tab below for a brief overview of each channel manager training course. Click orange button, or the MENU above for the respective section to find out more details about each specific channel manager training course.
You’ll learn the specific differences for a SaaS product in the channel, including:
The course is very hands on and we’ll enter systems, view samples and screens. The online version will contain videos of PowerPoint, but also tactical setup in other systems.
Chanimal University channel manager training courses are comparable in price to courses and certifications from other professional organizations. For example:
Any channel manager training course from Chanimal University includes a rock solid 30-day money back satisfaction guarantee. To claim you must not have completed more than 50% of the course and must request a refund within 30 days from the day you enroll. Your refund will be returned in the same manner as your original payment (typically PayPal, VISA, etc.).
Contact Us if you are not completely satisfied for any reason for a full and pleasant refund.
In addition, the channel manager training coursework includes over 100 industry best-practice templates, samples and instructions (used to build some of the world’s most successful partner programs) for all stages of the reseller program. Below are examples of the content available within the certification courses.
Plus more!
You get everything you need to handle almost any channel issue you might encounter. Chanimal is the only channel manager training resource in the world that has this volume of proven content (created and refined from over two decades refining and compiling industry best-practices and channel consulting with over 600 companies)–and it is all included at no extra cost as part of the Chanimal University Certified courses.
Which course should I take first?
It is recommended that you take the Certified Channel Manager (CCM) first. It is the most comprehensive and gives you most of what channel managers need to succeed with their job (marketing, sales, GM) need). MOST channel managers do about 30% of their job–they don’t know the difference and don’t know what they should be doing better–this is the material used for over a decade to train thousands of channel managers. It is the equivalent of an undergraduate Bachelor’s degree.
Then, I would take the specific discipline that you need the most. Channel Sales and Channel Marketing cover the high-level roles, but both dig DEEP into the hand-to-hand tactics of getting the job done. The specialties would be like a master’s degree level.
In addition, each of the three main courses includes one free elective. You would start with the area you are working on currently–then expand. Being cross-trained in all the disciplines and channel types makes you incredibly mobile within your own company (moving up the ranks, across divisions) and with future companies.
How long does it take to complete the course?
The Certified Online Channel Manager training & certification course is the world’s 1st, accredited & best-selling. Over 10,000 Channel Managers have been trained. It was derived from a 3-day, 8 hour a day, course used to train thousands of channel managers on-site.
It contains 32 videos, along with per-lesson written content and samples and takes apx. 24 hours to complete. Most of the lessons are bite-sized and can be taken in 30 minutes each (so you can complete the course during lunch hours if desired).
On average, it takes 3 weeks to finish the course (the online record is 4 days).
How long do I have access to the course?
It used to be 3 years, but now you have full access to the course and all the content for over 10 years. Plus, the course is linear to ensure you cover the topics sequentially, but once completed you can jump to any prior section.
Is there a group discount?
Yes. Chanimal University offers the following group discounts for courses enrolled from the same company at the same time (percentage discount off the group total):
Please Contact Us for additional questions.
What is the ROI for Certification?
The easiest way to justify the cost of channel manager training is to roll the numbers:
The return for channel programs overall is the highest ROI of any marketing activity–so any investment in channel manager training typically gets incredible returns. You may use this example to convince your management to invest in your training.
What if I don’t pass the test? Can I re-take it.
Yes. Once you pay for the course you have access to the system and materials for 10 years (plenty of time–usually only takes 3 weeks to complete, but you can refer back to it for years). You can re-take the test as many times as needed until you know the material well enough to pass the test.
Please contact us if there are unusual circumstances and you need more time.
How do I get a refund if I’m not happy?
Any course from Chanimal University includes a rock solid 30-day money back satisfaction guarantee as long as you have not completed more than 50% of the course. You must request a refund within 30 days from the day you enrolled. Your refund will be returned in the same manner as your original payment (typically PayPal, VISA, etc.).
Contact Us if you are not completely satisfied for any reason for a full and pleasant refund.
How do I ensure my employee finishes & leverages the course?
The phrase, “what we obtain too cheaply, we esteem too lightly” applies to anything free–including this course. When an employee pays for the course (a lot do), they always finish and usually fairly quickly–they want the information immediately. However, when the employees gets the course for free, several daddle around and take forever to take the course–one didn’t finish for almost a year. That’s a long time before you get your return.
An approach that solves this problem is to charge the employee a token amount (perhaps $100) and they can get their $100 back if they finish the course within 30 days (the average time is 3 weeks, the record is 4 days)–plus you should expect the implementation of the concepts taught in the course within the next 30 days.
Another approach is to offer the course for free for the first 30 days–then they pay you $10/day after that deadline until completed. Either way, the employee is much more diligent when they’ve got some skin in the game–and you get your ROI quicker.
Can I share what I learn?
Yes. It is common for a company to have one person take a workshop and return to train the team (often a two-hour lunch-n-learn). Only the originator can use the online course and only the name of the person who signs up for the course may take the test and receive the certification.
However, each channel manager training module includes PowerPoints used in the video material that can be re-purposed to train additional internal team members. The templates can also be edited for internal use–but cannot be used to create other material that is re-sold.
Please remember, all Chanimal University content is copyright.
Do I get an actual certificate?
Yes. When you complete the course you will automatically get a personalized PDF of the course in high resolution that you can print and display.
If you are in the United States* you will also receive an 8 1/2 x 11 paper certificate, with an official number and a gold foil validation seal that is suitable for framing. It should look similar to your online version, but it may have some variations. Paper certifications are usually shipped within 1-2 business days and arrive within 2-5 days.
* Note: some countries would not allow actual certificates to be mailed because of Covid restrictions, others got lost in the mail or took up to 30 days in quarantine–but International students can still print from the high-resolution PDF version.
How & when do I select my free elective?
Everyone of the three MAIN courses (Certified Channel Manager, Certified Channel Sales Manager and Certified Channel Marketing Manager) is a prerequisite and includes ONE free elective. You can also choose to purchase any other elective, or take a different MAIN course and get another elective for free.
When you enroll in a MAIN course you receive a unique single-use coupon that zeros the price for any single electives. For any additional electives, you just enroll and pay as normal.
Contact us once completed to select your elective and get your coupon–you’ll usually get a response within the hour (or immediately if you use the Chat).
Do the Electives have prerequisite requirements?
Most. All but the Direct Sales & Services elective courses require that you take any of the MAIN courses since they do not contain the baseline (general education) content to be standalone. The main courses include the Certified Channel Manager (CCM), Certified Channel Sales Manager (CCSM) and the Certified Channel Marketing Manager (CCMM).
Is there a LIVE Component?
Yes. The system has a Chat which is LIVE during regular working hours–so you can ask questions and get help and additional resources. You can also call anytime, or schedule a one-on-one for specific questions.
In addition, there is a LIVE one-hour Q&A Lab every Thursday at 2 pm CST (Austin, TX). Just go to – no login required. It is an open session for any questions. Your instructor attends for the first 15 minutes, then remains for the rest of the hour if students have shown up for help.
How does Chanimal University compare to other channel courses?
There are only a few groups that do training—although one is a light add-on to their direct sales training, and four of them white label their channel training through Chanimal—the keeper of industry best-practices for over 20 years.
A relatively recent company is the Channel Institute by Michael Kelly. His classes are described for “those new to channel management, or those moving into a channel management role for the first time.” He is a nice guy, has well-produced videos with nice graphics, and his courses are mainly online and non-interactive.
His class description specifically states, “Our focus is on entry-level training for channel management and channel marketing.” It says it dovetails into more advanced training and consulting. I would compare it to an Associate Degree (general classes, but not very deep with few tactics).
In contrast, Chanimal University is the most advanced channel training in the industry. It covers introductory to ADVANCED channel management, channel sales, and channel marketing. It would be equivalent to a bachelor’s, masters, and finally a PHD in channel management–with the certification, the pro, and the instructor levels (plus electives to drill-down into vertical tactics). It is MUCH more in-depth and includes both the strategy and hands-on tactics. It also cross-trains your team across multiple channel types (since many companies cover from retail to SaaS to Enterprise).
In addition, Chanimal University has trained over TEN thousand channel managers (versus a few hundred)–often up to 150 at a time in 3-day workshops (including training some of the most senior channel leadership in the industry) live on-site and remotely worldwide over the last two decades.
Chanimal University channel manager training has been used to create, define, recruit and build some of the most successful channel programs from some of the largest brands in the world in almost every market and channel segment (Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, Citrix, Sony, Intel, Epson, Motorola, GE, Netscape, Big Commerce, AOL, Survey Monkey, IBM, Disney, Red Storm, VMWare, Corel, Aldus, AMF, NEC, Canon, Novel, Toshiba, Lotus, and more).
The cost is similar, but Chanimal University is the world’s first certification, #1 Best-Selling training, is MUCH more “been there, done that,” as the industry gold standard, accredited by the Channel Advisory Council, and is taught by one of the most seasoned and successful channel professionals in the entire industry (aka, “Chanimal” short for channel animal), and now… it is available online.
Welcome to Chanimal University!
Following is a testimonial from a channel manager who took a channel course from another vendor, and then enrolled at Chanimal University:
“Taking the Channel Manager course [from Chanimal University] felt like a breath of fresh air. The insights were practical, and the resources were abundant. It was a significant upgrade from my previous training experiences [from another training vendor], like going from driving a reliable sedan to a high-performance SUV. Looking back, I can’t help but wonder how things might have been different if I’d found this course sooner.”
I asked ChatGPT - Why get certified?
I just asked ChatGTP the following question (here is the exact response):
You should become a certified channel manager if you want to:• Gain a strong foundation in the core concepts of channel sales management.
• Prove to both current and future employers that you have the knowledge they need to build a successful channel management team.
• Learn how to use advanced YouTube systems and tools for content ownership, asset monetization and music rights management.
• Access the industry’s first and best-selling channel management training program that covers SaaS, software, hardware, retail, soho, enterprise and online channels strategy and core tactics.
Becoming a certified channel manager can help you boost your career, skills and confidence in the channel industry.
It looks like Bing missed the mark in several places (it thought of channels as YouTube channels, not reseller/channel management). In addition, it pulled specific copy from existing websites (the bottom paragraph was directly from, while ChatGPT wrote it’s copy from scratch. Interesting.