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Get affordable, award-winning channel consulting to create a world-class reseller program or channel marketing help for as little as $2,750 per month!
Hi, my name is Ted Finch, CEO of Chanimal.com, The Ultimate Resource for Software, SaaS and hardware Marketing and one of the industry’s most popular channel consulting groups to help create your channel program.
Below, I’ll explain some of the benefits of the Chanimal Micro Channel Consulting service—where you can get channel consulting help to define, build (find channel partners) or refine your reseller program, a virtual VP of Marketing (if needed), channel and marketing expert for as little as $2,750 per month–month-to-month (versus the normal $10k-$20k for most industry consultants).
FREE Public Consulting, Q&A, Open Mic – Every Thursday, 2 – 3 pm CST
www.GoToMeet.me/TedFinch (no password)
Chanimal’s Micro Consulting was named to the “Top 5” Most Innovative Services from CompTIA
Chanimal is acknowledged as one of the top channel consulting and channel training companies worldwide.
First, let me explain why I created the Chanimal Micro Consulting Service. Many start-ups don’t have the money to hire a world-class marketer—yet this is when they often need the most help and advice.
Many existing companies need to move to the next level but don’t know-how. Divisions of large companies want to try new initiatives (like setting up a channel, trying new promotions, or penetrating a new market), but they can’t get the headcount.
Or, a person is promoted into marketing, or responsible to build their new channel, but doesn’t have a marketing or channel background—and needs immediate channel consulting help to succeed.
You could hire one of the big consulting firms like Bain & Company or Accenture, but you pay outrageous rates (much of it paying for executive overhead) and usually get a bright, but relatively inexperienced “junior consultant,” who hasn’t done channel consulting or been in the trenches and is cutting their teeth at your expense.
Or you get great advice, but they don’t know how to help you execute, or can execute for you—at a massive, non-competitive cost (usually by outsourcing with a hefty markup). I’ve unwound several major mistakes (such as ineffective packaging, bad pricing advice, and poorly executed promotions) from these types of consultants.
Or, you can hire the typical independent channel consultant that only picks up 1-2 accounts, and charges $10-15k per month, but many of these have only been at mid-level management, seldom having gone through all the ranks from hands-on producer to senior vice president of multi-billion dollar organizations.
Or you get someone who is too high-level and hasn’t executed much of anything—at a start-up or a new division. They may know what needs to be done, but don’t how to do it—certainly not with enough detail to coach or mentor your team.
How do you get the type of help you need, either strategic or tactical, at an affordable price?
Get affordable and award-winning channel consulting to create or refine a World-Class reseller program or get hands-on to CMO-level marketing help for as little as $2,750 per month!
As the lead channel consultant, I’ve helped build numerous start-ups with their channel strategy and channel program, including one that grew from 13 people to become largest high-tech product launch company in the world with over 4,000 people, executing the channel launch of over 400 world-class products for over 150 companies including:
15 divisions of Microsoft, IBM, Sony, NEC, PC Tools, Iomega, Western Digital, Autodesk, Adobe, HP, Creative Labs, Citrix, WordPerfect, Novel, AOL, Ashton Tate, Corel, Goldmine, Disney, Ingram Micro, Canon, Epson, Intel and many more.
I also wrote the strategic marketing plan and lead the marketing team that published the world’s #1 best-selling software product at the time—Netscape Navigator, which was a catalyst that launched the .com era.
I also helped form Red Storm Entertainment with Tom Clancy, have been a VP or Senior VP of Marketing at $4 billion Harcourt, $38 billion Motorola (where I sat on the marketing board), and $130 billion GE—one of the largest corporations in the world.
In addition, I also run the world’s first and best-selling Certified Channel Manager ™ training program.
Software, hardware, with both enterprise, Soho, SaaS and consumer products and services in areas such as Risk Management, Medical Software, e-Marketing, Accounting, Outsourcing, Project Management, Servers, Grid Computing, Dev tools, Cadd, Networking, PC’s, Franchising, Education, Publishing, IT Services, e-Commerce, Internet, Databases, Storage, Utilities, POP, PRM, CRM, Security, National Defense, PVR, Games, HR, and more.
Marketing plans, competitive analysis, recruiting reseller partners, channel sales, budgets, pricing, positioning, hiring, training, coaching, events, ads, packaging, channel strategy, product and company naming, channel marketing, sales channel, sales training, branding, funding, PR, direct response, and of course, the world-class Chanimal reseller program.
Please call or e-mail me if you need channel consulting to set up or refine your channel program, and want to find out more about the Chanimal Micro Consulting services. I am happy to provide references from companies I have helped.
If for some reason I can’t help you, I can usually point you elsewhere to get you the help you need. And of course, you can browse Chanimal.com anytime with over 1,000 pages of free information.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Take care.
Ted Finch
(512) 947-7016
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