Online Sales Training – Introduction
This online sales training manual is a revised, edited, and modernized version of the sales training manual I wrote for the nation’s largest field channel sales and training company, TempReps, Inc* (a company that grew to over 4,000 field reps that have launched over 400 products for over 150 vendors including Lotus, IBM, Citrix, Sony, Apple, Intel, Canon, Microsoft, HP, Corel, Adobe, and executed over one million channel promotions). I hope you find it helpful.
BTW, this online training is HIGHLY tailored to calling on resellers on-site. A more advanced version of this online sales training manual that is much more direct sales, along with the management training manual is available as an editable Word document that you can use to create your own sales training manual, along with an associated PowerPoint, is available in the Chanimal Store.
It contains sales rep training and presentation techniques used for in-store presentations by a sales rep to independent resellers, franchise and local chains (such as MicroAge, Mom&Pop stores, SoftWarehouse, etc.), or to train existing accounts (such as Electronics Boutique, CompUSA, Computer City, Fry’s, PC Connections, etc.) that already carry your products but don’t know how to sell them. It can also be used to train your outbound sales team–just replace the word “dealer” with “prospect” and it should work fine.
Although two-tier field reps, when training, may not always ask for an order and expect a check, they should still motivate the reseller to place an order through distribution–or at least purchase an eval kit. All the dealer training in the world won’t do any good unless the dealers act. A channel sales rep’s job is to get results and results mean sales!
If you are looking for Sales Management training, then consider the section below (found in the Human Resources section). BTW, the Chanimal Store version includes the sales training manual, the management training, and the Game of Work materials.
Sales Rep Training – Steps of the Sale
How do you get a dealer to act on the product you show? Fortunately, there are several time-proven methods that can help you get results. All sales calls follow, “The Steps of the Sale.”
This five-step formula is what all top channel reps use to guarantee success:
- Pre-Approach
- Approach
- Set-Up
- Presentation
- Close
Equals success.
You have heard it said before, “A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.” This is also true of this formula. If you are weak in pre-approach, your approach will be weakened. If you do not create the proper buying atmosphere in the setup, your presentations will lack the impact you desire. If your presentation is weak, then your close will be ineffective. If you fail to close effectively, all of the time you have spent is wasted.
If you are looking for Sales Management training, then consider the section below (found in the Human Resources section):
Sales Management Training (topics)
- Introduction & Policies
- Situational Leadership
- The Game of Work – By the Numbers
- One Minute Manager Concepts
- Field Coaching – The Coaching Call & Model Call
- Baseline Goal Setting
- Emotional Bank Accounts
- Motivation
- Resources
* TempReps, Inc. was a division of Technology Advancement Corporation (now known as MarketStar) that employed thousands of full-time field reps to introduce new software and hardware products to resellers throughout the United States and Canada for over 150 vendors such as WordPerfect, HP, Canon, Lotus, Ashton Tate, Iomega, Corel Draw, IBM, Microsoft, Sony, Creative Labs, Netscape, Asymetrix, Adobe, Aldus, Autodesk, NEC, and more. The concepts from the original manual have helped generate hundreds of millions in sales.
Additional Resources
Purchase a copy of the Chanimal Sales Rep Training Manual in the Chanimal Store. It is over 100 pages of sales instruction, but it is in Microsoft Word format and includes the rights to re-purpose for your own organization (saves weeks of creating your own from scratch). The online sales manual is specific to selling to resellers–the version you can purchase in the store has already been modified for direct sales (but can be easily re-purposed for calling on resellers).
Contact Info
Chanimal, Inc.
12109 Lake Stone Dr
Austin, TX 78738
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