Building a Reseller Program
Chanimal and SaaSMax team up to present, “Crossing the SaaSm, Building a World Class Reseller Program.”
You are invited to attend! It is a progressive course that starts with a channel introduction on June 3rd, then the in-depth course starts on Friday, June 5th (9 am PST, 12 pm EST) and continues every Friday of the month with different course. Most of the courses are 90 minutes, a few last two hours. The main presenter is Ted Finch (with Chanimal (also CMO of SaaSMAX)). Aside from the in-depth Chanimal certification program (which covers hardware, software, SaaS and even retail), it is the most in-depth, pragmatic course on setting up a reseller program ever offered! More workshop details are below:
This course was made specifically with SaaS Marketing & C-level Execs in mind to provide an efficient, affordable road map and the hands-on instructions that will equip you and your team to successfully design, recruit, engage, compensate and manage Resellers.
If you bring on just one successful Reseller after going through these courses, the course will have paid for itself!
Crossing the SaaSm is a series of 5 Online 90-minute sessionss. You can enroll a la carte, or for the complete series. They will be held at 9am PT, 12pm ET on June 3, 5, 12, 19 & 26. Each will be recorded and placed online for future viewings or in case you miss it.
CrossingTheSaaSm will be taught by one of the worlds most experienced IT Channel executives, SaaSMAX’s Ted Finch, otherwise known as “The Chanimal” It will also feature SaaSMAX CEO Dina Moskowitz and SaaSMAX VP Reseller Engagement Clinton Gatewood.
SaaSMAX Corp.