Features & Benefits
Co-Branded Collateral
Co-Branded Collateral
Co-branded collateral is stored in the resource library, but linked from separate pages for each content type (Price Lists, Competitive Analysis, Demo Scripts, White Papers, Testimonials, Product Descriptions, email templates, and more). This is typically used for co-marketing activities.
Each section and link can also include detailed descriptions (what it is used for, a summary, etc.).
Some content is in editable format (like PowerPoints). In addition, some content might be both static (PDF) and editable (like a product slick). PDFs can have editable sections to swap the company and contact info. Simple free versions of Canva can edit the PDF in minutes.
However, providing the original documents and converting many to a popular format (like Microsoft Publisher—included in most Office packages but not installed by default) is recommended.
Then the partner can swap their logo and contact info and personalize for an event or a mailer as needed. Versus some PRM’s that only include a few fields to be edited within a PDF editor.
Chanimal, Inc.
12109 Lake Stone Dr
Austin, TX 78738
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I join a LOT of affiliate programs (connoisseur–like to see what they do), including Amazon, so there may be links throughout Chanimal.