Features & Benefits
Partner Locator
Partner Locator
Many partners won’t come on board without a partner locator. It’s a test to see if you are channel-friendly—do you treat them like a regional office or a competitor to direct sales?
In addition, it helps prospects to find a local contact when looking for a question—and your office is closed or in a different time zone.
Finally, it is an incentive (BAIT) for a reseller to get your product on their website (or you can never send them leads). Feature include…
No limit on the number of partners. Can provide the business name, phone, email, URL, levels, description, and hours.
Shows how many miles and directions from the prospect’s location on any device (mobile friendly).
Leverages the Google Maps API, so it is up-to-date and detailed.
Option to only show map after GDRP acceptance.
Can sort by partner type, authorization, location, or capabilities.
Makes partners visible to prospects by zip code or city.
Is there a cost to use the maps database?
In almost every case–NO. The partner locator software uses the Google API for the actual map data. Google gives you $200 per month credit, which provides 28,500 maploads per month. Anything beyond that (you would be so lucky) and they have a variable rate that they charge your credit card on file. Most vendors might get 0 to 1,000 or so searches per month max–so you are way below the monthly limit and should never see a charge. They will also email you of a pending charge and you have to approve it–so there is no risk. Click HERE to see the details about the Google Maps Platform.
Do I have to set up an account with Google?
Yes. During the portal setup, you will be required to have either a personal or business Google (gmail) account. You will also be required to put a credit card number into their system to cover any potential charges if you go over the mapload limit (you get 28,500 maploads each month for free). This is WAY more than most vendors will ever see (maybe 0 – 1,000 max).
Regardless, they will email you for pre-approval before they ever charge your card (or it just won’t feed up any map info). If your credit card expires, it will turn off the maploads and you will need to update their system. This is all managed through Google and every map application that uses Google requires some variation. Click HERE to see Google details.
Should I use a partner locator?
You will typically want to add your partners to your locator AFTER they list your product on their website (or prospects won’t find your product on the partner’s website–not good). There are a few reasons this makes sense:
I occasionally get questions about whether or not you should expose your partner list. Some folks are worried competitors may scrape their reseller database.
I typically wouldn’t turn on your public reseller locator until you have at least five partners and then keep the initial default distance to 500 or so miles. But also explain that prospects can contact you directly if they don’t find a partner in their area.
Chanimal, Inc.
12109 Lake Stone Dr
Austin, TX 78738
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